2013 CHAPTER #2

I slept at 3AM last night and woke up early just to sleep in class. Still ! end up doing funny cunt. Yes, I got literally bored in Graphic Design class because I had already learned this stuff during Form 4 & 5. I admitted that I was good back then w/ photoshop and editting stuff but it was never really my interest at the first place anyway. I just got deep in this subject because I think its easier to work with computer/laptop then it is with humans and surroundings -_-

Yes. I have to wear spectacles if its involve computer/laptop/TV's screen. I am dim since in standard 3.  Gosh, that was a long way back. Horrible! 
 Oh by the way, did I said I was good? yeah back then! Now I get clumsy w/ photoshop. I left it for about 2 years now. Thou' I still remember the basic. A bit? Hehs.